There’s loads happening at Ascension this Easter!
You and your loved ones are warmly invited to Ascension this Easter! We have loads of services and events for all ages.
Let’s celebrate Jesus and his amazing sacrifice on the cross and his resurrection from the dead.
Whether you are at our church building on Malwood Road, or joining online, it is great that you can be part of this season with us.
Puppet Praise Easter Eggstravaganza
tuesdaY 1st april, 10.30am • Ascension church
Puppet Praise is a time for toddlers and their parents or carers to come together, hear stories from the Bible, pray, and, of course meet our puppet friends!
We will be celebrating Easter with a massive Puppet Praise Eggstravaganza! Come dressed in your best Easter outfits, adults you too! Bible characters, Easter Bunnies... all are welcome!
Youth Church Easter Lunch
Sunday 6th April, 12.30pm • Ascension church
Older and Younger Youth will come together for lunch. This will be a great time of food, friendship, games and teaching! We'll kick off at 12:30, after the Sunday service.
Easter Bouncy Castle Week
Monday 7th - Friday 11th April, 11am - 3pm • Ascension church
Are you wondering what to do with your little ones this Easter holiday? Come and have a bounce on our bouncy castle and soft play at Parish Coffee and treat yourself to a drink. There will also be a special Easter Egg Hunt. £3 for 30 minutes per child - JUST SHOW UP!
Adventurers Holiday Club
Monday 14th - Wednesday 16th april, 9.30am-12.30pm • Ascension church
Free Children's Easter Holiday Club for Primary-School Age Children.
Fellow Detectives! Join us as we uncover clues to discover all about what happened the very first Easter. Adventurers will be jam-packed with challenges, games, activities, bible stories and fun!
Maundy Thursday Communion Service
thursday 17th April, 11Am • Ascension church
In commemoration of the Last Supper, Jesus’ final meal with his friends, we will be partaking in a simple service of Communion. Foot washing will also occur in imitation of Jesus' actions and as a response to his new commandment to love one another.
Good Friday Service
friday 18th april, 2pm • Ascension church & Youtube
On Good Friday we will share an hour of meditative contemplation, remembering the crucifixion of Jesus and all that means for our lives.
Bubble Church: Easter Sunday
SUNDAY 20th april, 9.30Am • Ascension church
Bubble Church is our Sunday church service especially for babies, toddlers, and young families.
This week we will be celebrating the Easter Story and learning about the miracle of Jesus rising from the grave.
Easter Sunday Service
SUNDAY 20th april, 10.30Am • Ascension church & YOUTUBE
Join us for our Easter celebration. This all-age service will have something for everyone as we explore Jesus’ miraculous resurrection over two thousand years ago.