Prayer lies at the heart of our relationship with God
Prayer is simply speaking to God, and it is central to everything that we do at Ascension. It’s the very heartbeat of our community! We would love to encourage you to get involved in praying together as a church. Pray at home, or join in with any of our organised prayer meetings.
The BIG Pray
saturday 10th september, 10.30am - SUNDAY 11TH sep, 10.30AM
The BIG Pray is a whole non-stop 24 hours of prayer happening at Ascension Church. We'll be inviting people from our church and local community to come and make one long chain of prayers all the way through the day and night. The great news is that praying can be fun and we can do it in so many different ways.
12 at 12 Daily Prayer
Every weekday • 12 noon
Ascension Church building
We meet at midday every weekday (except bank holidays) for 12 minutes of meditative prayer and bible reading. A gift of time with God, together, in the middle of the day, hosted by members of the Ascension staff team.
Prayer Together
First tuesday of the month • 7.30pm - 9.45pm
Ascension Church building
At our monthly prayer meetings, we have the privilege of praying for our nation, our neighbours and each other as a family.
We begin by sharing a free dinner together, followed by worship, prayer, discernment and ministry. This an is essential meeting for our church community. Our prayers make a difference and God is full of expectancy.
Prayer Ministry
Open for personal prayer • monday - friday, 8.30am - 4.30pm
We believe that prayer is powerful and that God wants us to pray for one another whether for healing, wisdom, guidance or for anything at all. You are welcome to come in to our church building and use the space for personal prayer.
If you would like to make a prayer appointment with one of our clergy members, just email office@ascensionbalham.org.