
We are so excited to be joining Focus 2023!

Focus is a chance for us to focus on each other and to Focus on God! Please join us for this long weekend in July - we want to grow together and enjoy quality time with our wider church network family. There will be great teaching, worship and lots of fun activities for all ages.

Book now to get your Focus Earlybird ticket below:



The Focus 2023 dates are Thursday 27th July until Sunday 30th July 2023.


We are thrilled to be moving to Newark Showground. Our new site is centrally located across the country, making the event more accessible to the whole HTB Network.


The full programme and main celebrations will start on the evening of Thursday 27th July and finish on the evening of Sunday 30th July 2023. Guests will need to leave the site by 10.00am on Sunday 31st July.